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What does this Arts Residency entail?

As part of the National Arts Council’s Arts and Culture Nodes Network, Residency artist Alex Siew delved into the intriguing theme of "Contrast" in photography within our vibrant community. We brought together individuals with a shared keen interest in exploring this theme, aiming to foster an environment of collaboration, creativity, and learning through a series of engagements.

It truly represented Singapore's social fabric, Collectively and Collaboratively weaving Community art together!
Click / Tap here to see the organisers
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Why Contrast Matters?

"Contrast" is a theme that transcends the boundaries of visual art and permeates all aspects of our lives. It can be found in the interplay of light and shadow, in the coexistence of old and new, in the vibrant harmony of colors, and in the dynamic relationship between diverse elements. The beauty of contrast lies in its ability to captivate the eye, tell compelling stories, and evoke profound emotions.
Who have we connected with?

We've had the pleasure of connecting with 60 participants, ranging in age from 17 to 73 years old! We're grateful for the diversity in their profiles, including gender, ethnicity, and profession. Throughout our engagements, participants were given the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and collectively produce the final art photographs together. They were grouped into smaller teams with distinct thematic focuses, allowing for a range of perspectives.

Through workshops, participants learned new technical photography skill sets that they applied during their journey with Alex Siew. Additionally, they co-curated the art photographs through a series of brainstorming and dialogue sessions.

For more details, here are the
newsletters highlighting our engagements.

Click / Tap
here to download
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The 30 pieces of Artworks

These showcased artworks* (photographs) were captured and presented in reference to the chosen contrast themes. The photos reflect the perspectives of the participants, infused and refined by our resident artist. Through collaborative efforts, we've curated a collection that embodies vastness, representing contrast across various facets.

Each expanded photo's sidebar includes the following information:

- Name of photographer(s)
- Percentage of weightage given to the Contrast theme
- Co-curated suggested title

*(Optimal viewing experience is achieved in desktop landscape orientation, no part of the photographs may be reproduced, distributed in any form or by any means)
The Arts Residency

This timeline serves as documentation of a journey spanning half a year from its inception.

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Whats next?

Will there be a re-run of this program? Based on the reception, feedback, and heartfelt encouragements we've received, absolutely! Contrasting to other programs, we envision this as an evergreen initiative where we continuously explore various facets of contrast across different geographical and cultural landscapes.
When will it be?

Many participants have been asking about the next photowalk. If you opted to be added to our address book, we'll be sure to keep you informed.

In the meantime, we're still accepting submissions of contrast-themed photographs. You can email them to, and we'll archive them, keeping you updated on any future developments and engagements.

You can download the guides, templates, and forms from the available links.
Click / Tap here for the guides, template and forms

Who is Alex Siew?

He believes that photography is borderless and holds no racial, cultural, religious or language barrier. In his words; he aims “To make the world a better place thru photography.”

To find out more, click the links on the right.

For more details about NAC’s Community Arts Residency,

For more details about The Republic Cultural Centre @ Republic Polytechnic

We look forward to hearing from you!
For bookings or collaboration matters, please reach out to us via email at